a long hallway with rows of servers in a data center

Mainframe Data

Masking your VSAM, DB2, and mainframe file data to your company’s data privacy requirements

The Journey Starts Here:

The Mainframe Masking Package is a consulting engagement to mask your sensitive DB2 databases and VSAM files, based on the number and size of each and can be customized to handle larger-scale environments.

Project Planning

Project Planning

Interview key stakeholders to understand corporate security policies in conjunction with the mainframe data

Data Onboarding

Data Onboarding

Configure Delphix software based on the client’s requirements and connect to the mainframe. Use Axis Mainframe templates to ingest data into Delphix Continuous Compliance for masking

Application Masking

Application Masking

Mask the Mainframe Data, iterating as needed

Masking Validation

Masking Validation

Validate successfully masked data with your application team



A playbook so that the masking can be repeated as needed


  • Identify vulnerable files and systems
  • Protecting vulnerable files and systems